Case Study File: Sudden Endings & Vulnerability: Are Mars and Chiron to blame?

Hello everyone! I’ve been trying to figure out what I can post about and that’s when I realized that it’s a  lot harder to find topics to post about when your life is drama free. So, I decided to reflect back to last year when everything was chaotic. Last summer, I was feeling uneasy about the fact that I couldn’t see my final grade for a course that I had taken in the Spring. Everyone else I knew could see their grade, but I couldn’t see mine. This bothered me and for an entire month, I kept trying to see my grade online. One night, I was clicking every possible tab combination on the school website and I was finally able to see my grade. To my displeasure I failed by one point and failed the class, which as a bonus threw me out of the program. I was in shock and didn’t have a plan B. In a moment my life was forever changed.

Almost one year later I have decided to look at the astrology of that day to look for any patterns that stood out to me. In every chart that I looked at I was able to find a Mars-Chiron interaction, and overall I found them in conjunction, opposition, and square to one another in different charts.

For those who are unfamiliar with Chiron, Chiron is considered to be a dwarf planet (not large enough to be called an actual planet). Chiron in astrology represents themes of teaching, healing, lessons, wisdom, and punishment and reward. Chiron is known as the wounded healer that heals himself by helping others heal.

Mars represents energy, willpower, initiative, impulsiveness, courage, and force. Together a Mars-Chiron interaction will challenge you to use your inner strength and to take the initiative to make changes in your life. What seems like a punishment may actually be a reward, and the lessons and wisdom that you have gained should be taught to others so that you can fully heal from your past disappointment.

When I look at my transits that day I could see the Sun was conjunct Chiron (39′). Chiron was attached to a planet that is related to my identity suggesting that the face that I showed the world hid a wound that was related to my identity. In other words, I was living the life of someone that I did not want to truly be and it was taking a toll on me emotionally.

My next transit was Chiron square Mars (2°20′). Since Chiron is not a planet, I believe most astrologers would allow 1-2 degree orb for it, but since Mars is my special planet I allow the orbs to be a little wider as it has the ability to affect me strongly. (To find your own special planet check out my post: ). Mars was also squaring my North Node (1°1′) suggesting that changes in my life path were coming and that I would need to be courageous, choose a path, and take initiative to make something happen in my life.

In my progressed chart with solar arcs, my solar arc Mars was conjunct Chiron (1°1′).

I also used  tertiary progressions, something I just started to look into. It is hard to find information on the internet about tertiary progressions, but from what I understand so far is that they are a lot like regular progressions (secondary), but it’s supposed to give you a smaller, more focused time frame to time events. Think of secondary progressions as a magnifying glass and tertiary progressions as a microscope.

In my chart of tertiary progressions I found the most interesting interaction of all. Progressed Mars was opposite Chiron (10′), and a grand trine was formed between my natal Chiron and Pluto, and the progressed Moon. Chiron and Pluto working together  speaks of themes of great change, healing, transformation, facing adversity, and self awareness. Throwing the moon into this mix could ultimately mean  that your feeling of security will be compromised, but there is a great amount of emotional growth and healing to be gained.

Overall, each chart had a Mars-Chiron interaction and it was a time in my life where themes of change, emotional healing, and taking initiative were present. As Chiron showed me last year, a door may close, but a window may open. When it seemed like everything I had worked for crumbled around me, I was able to pick up the pieces and build a better future. The message of this post is that you are stronger than you think and to never give up.



Case Study File: Unexplained Impulsiveness Part 2

Welcome back to the first edition of the case study files, this is part 2 of Unexplained Impulsiveness. Now let’s pick up where we left off…first meeting

T-Square (transit): Mars conjunct Venus in Taurus (36’ orb) opposite Pluto conjunct north node in Scorpio (3°8’). The orb of the opposition is about a half degree. All of this is squaring the vertex in Aquarius with an orb of less than 2°. Mars conjunct Venus gives you the drive to go after what you desire, and makes you impulsive in your love life. Pluto conjunct North node- brings what is in the dark to light, changing your image, goals, and reputation. Since the north node is karmic and we have node connections in our synastry chart, I do believe that our union was supposed to teach us about ourselves and make a change in how we approach relationships. The vertex, is a sensitive point in relationships, and it happens to be the midpoint of this opposition causing a t-square. So let’s put this info together. I impulsively pursued a guy that I liked, being the aggressor, which was something I had never done before. Pluto showed me that me changing behavior from the pursued to the pursuer affected my mindset. I actually enjoyed being the pursuer and it was because I liked the power of controlling the chase, a very Plutonian quality. The square to the vertex just amplified everything, making it affect me more personally. It is also important to say that my Vertex is the exact same degree as my Venus/Pluto midpoint, which means that nothing would get in my way of getting the guy that I wanted. Mars, the planet of action and aggression , and North node, which represents karmic growth, were both squaring this point, therefore activating this midpoint as well. This occurred in my 9th house, which represents higher education and foreigners, and my third house, which is the house of communication. My communication underwent a Plutonian transformation and I met this individual in a higher educational institute. He also had a different cultural background than me. (Look at the chart above at the circles and squares to see where the t-square is taking place.

Transit Uranus and Pluto were both on my critical degree in my chart, the 11°. I call it the critical degree because it affects many personal points such as my Sun, Moon, and all of my angles. The Sun in my natal chart is at the apex of a YOD with my moon and AC. Uranus on the exact point of my sun caused me to step outside of my comfort zone of how I like to identify myself. It caused me to be more assertive in what I want in life and this reflected in my personality. It led me to be more assertive in matters of the heart, where I tended to be more laid back. My sun is in the 8th house, the house of sex, power, transformation and death.

Pluto was also at the 11° mark, directly squaring my sun. Pluto is forcing me to reinvent myself and get rid of old patterns that no longer serve me. This aspect also forces you out of your comfort zone, and the harder you fight against it, the harder your life will be. I actually complied with Pluto and learned something about myself. Pluto is in my 4th house aspecting my 8th house sun. The 4th house represents your childhood and the emotional patterns that evolved from your upbringing. Pluto is attempting to cleanse all those skeletons from my closet and change my attitudes about romance, sex, power, which would transform me into a better person.

Jupiter quincunx Pluto (Transit)- This aspect had an orb of 17’. Jupiter in aspect to Pluto makes the power of Pluto more grand and effective, due to it being an expansive planet. This can be the reason Pluto played a big role in these aspects. This occurred in my 3rd and 10th houses, which affected my communication in social situations.

Moon quincunx Saturn (transit and progression)- The transit had an orb of 1°42’ and the progression had an orb of 35’. This transit highlights emotional patterns and security. It means that you feel a lack of support from others and feel emotionally isolated. The progression affects my 5th and 12th houses. This affects my hidden feelings about romance. The transit affects my 5th and 10th houses. This affects my romantic endeavors in social settings. Needless to say that I didn’t feel supported when my little romance was abruptly cut short.

Chiron opposite AC (transit)- This aspect had an orb of 38’. This aspect makes a person determined to have companionship. This is evident in me reaching out to him online when he didn’t show up to class.

To sum this information up we should look at recurrent themes. The 5th and 10th houses played the biggest roles so something significant was bound to happen to me socially and romantically. Pluto and Mars were major players in the events, and what really makes them significant is that Mars is the ruler of my sun and Pluto rules my moon. Major transformations and realizations were to occur from my short relationship.

If you have any questions or comments about this case study, or would like to provide information to analyze a situation in your life, please feel free to leave a comment.

I hope you enjoyed case study file: Unexplained Impulsiveness.


Case Study File: Unexplained Impulsiveness Part 1

Hi everyone, I’m back with a new addition to Psychological Astrology. I call this the case study files. Lately, I have realized that the events of my life could be foreseen if I pay attention to my transits. However, this is a difficult task to do when everyday life gets in the way. I always seem to pick up on astrology’s cues after the fact. For example, I’d realize that a day was filled with nonstop conflict, such as arguments, pettiness, and maybe even an altercation. I began to ask myself, why? There has to be an explanation so I went hunting for one.

In the case study files I will be pointing out the reasons that certain emotions overtake a person’s rational thinking. I will get to the causes, describe their effects, and help people be aware when there’s a red flag in their chart.

For the first post I wanted to use an example of my day of extreme impulsiveness. I could not think before I spoke or acted. It was a very spontaneous day and I cannot rationalize what I did and why I did it. All I know is that no one could have talked me out of it.

My day of impulse was May 14, 2013. I started my day normal and got to my class early, it was the final class that I would be attending for the semester. I was hoping to exchange phone numbers with a guy that I liked in the class. We had been hanging out and getting along very well, but to my disappointment he wasn’t in class. He has never been late, but I was hoping that he was. It turned out that he was absent and so was my other friend. This left me in class alone, bored, with a whole lot of impulsive energy to expend. In the middle of class I got the idea to message him on Facebook, and I also reached out to my other friend who was absent. When he messaged me back, he basically said that we couldn’t hang out outside of school, and that he had a girlfriend. He said that he likes me, but doesn’t want to spend extra time with me because I’m a threat to his relationship. Basically, I got dumped by someone I wasn’t dating. In the most abrupt manner, all of our flirtation came to an end, and all of a sudden he mentions he has a girlfriend, which was news to me. In this situation things happened really fast so let’s look at the transits, progressions, and solar arcs to make sense of this.

Mars conjunct Chiron (solar arc)- This aspect had a 5’ orb. This aspect can cause you to react aggressively or impulsively when emotions are running high. This occurred in my 11th house, which represents friends and group activities. In my case I was really looking forward to seeing him and expanding our relationship outside the classroom, however, I was very unsettled that he didn’t show up, especially since he’s never absent.

Mars opposite Uranus (progression)- This aspect had a 2°17’ orb. This aspect can cause unexpected conflicts to arise. It can also cause you to be rebellious and feel a need to break free. We’re both Mars in Gemini people so we might have both been affected by this aspect. This opposition occurred in my 11th house and the cusp of my 5th house. There was tension between my friends and group activities, and romantic relationships and leisure.

Mars square Sun (progression)- This aspect had a 13’ orb. This aspect causes irritability, due to obstacles appearing in the way of what you are trying to accomplish. There is very little chance of you compromising during this transit. This occurred in my 8th and 10th house. The 8th house represents sex, power, and death. The 10th house represents social success. On this day I had a plan to exchange numbers and plan a day that we can hang out, but he was uncharacteristically absent that day, which made me feel unsettled. Obviously, the death of this relationship was inevitable.

Venus quincunx Uranus (progression)- This aspect had a 50’ orb. This aspect causes romances to start and/or end quickly. It’s like a spark or a magnet that draws people together and creates excitement. This occurred in my 10th house and on the cusp of my 5th house. This means that I would feel a romantic connection to someone that I met in a social setting.

This is the end of the Case Study File: Unexplained Impulsiveness Part 1. Be sure to check out Part 2 for more in depth insight and the conclusions drawn at the end of the case study.

AstroLife Experiment: Post 8

Hey everyone, the last two weeks have been interesting to say the least. I’d like to note that this is the most personal post that I have put up so be prepared…

Thanks to my Venus sextile Mars transit I got the opportunity that I have been waiting for two months, a chance to really get to know my crush. We talked about a wide variety of subjects and learned a lot of new information about each other in a short period of time. Then there was a couple of signs that I saw that creeped me out. As an astrologer I can’t help but play devil’s advocate by checking someone’s natal chart. Despite the fact that I don’t have an exact birthday, just a month and a sign, I just looked at the slower moving planets and the nodes. That was enough to scare me. I discovered that my Mars is on the same degree as his South node, which indicates some past life connection. Then there’s the fact that I’ve read that a Leo male is the only type of male that an Aries woman can’t dominate, since they are the only sign more willful than we are.

Coincidentally, that same week one of my good friends met a guy that she happens to like and her exchange sounded similar to mine. What was extremely weird is that she said he’s a Leo, and she never meets Leos…so do I. We’re in two different states with the same experience, it was definitely odd.

But enough of that, let me stop boring you guys.

On another note, I met my father on his job last week and it felt like I was “sleeping with the enemy” like I wasn’t supposed to be there. Granted, he has messed up many of times in a small time frame and our meeting was supposed to be a hi and bye. I don’t know what possessed me to agree to go out to lunch with him. During that entire time I’m thinking that I shouldn’t be there and what am I doing. My only rationale is that I wanted to spend time around him while he was being nice, which has yet to occur in 2013. Just when I thought I was ready to cut him out of my life, he managed to mend a fence.

So our first Lunar eclipse of 2013 is occurring on April 25th at 4:06 pm in 5°46′ Scorpio. This will occur in my second house and form a t-square with my Saturn and Jupiter. It will also conjunct my 3rd house cusp. This could mean a change in my earnings, I could be evaluating my self worth, focus on security, I may need to be careful with my spending, I could be feeling pessimistic, I could be confronting deep fears/obsessions/control issues, feel emotionally overwhelmed, alone, and be cautious in my love life.

My Upcoming Transits (Transit aspect Natal)

4/20-4/24: Mercury square Uranus- quick thinking, fast paced life, feeling inspired or pulled in many directions

4/20-4/23: Mercury quincunx AC- difficulty communicating due to misunderstandings, feeling nervous, not thinking before speaking

4/20-4/22: Mercury quincunx Moon- need to talk about feelings, but may struggle to do so

4/22-4/26: Mercury square Neptune- daydreaming; misunderstandings

4/22-4/27: Venus opposite Moon- very affectionate, emotions get in the way of objective thinking

4/23-4/29: Venus trine Uranus- spontaneity, unexpected pleasures, new friends, being adventurous

4/23-4/29: Venus trine AC- being more social, enhancing appearance

4/25-5/1: Venus trine Neptune- empathetic, daydreaming, creative, very loving

4/28-5/4: Venus opposite Pluto- intense emotional or sexual attraction, intimate encounter, desire to be close to and share feelings with someone, relationships intensify, old emotions and issues come to the surface.

4/20-4/30: Mars square Jupiter- very ambitious, optimistic, enthusiastic about new plans

4/22-5/2: Mars square Saturn- frustration, sensitive to criticism and limitations, fights with authority figures, feeling overwhelmed

5/1-5/11: Mars opposite Moon- very competitive, impatient, unresolved feelings arise

5/3-5/13: Mars trine Uranus- need to do something innovative, daring, unusual, impulsive, and exciting

5/3-5/14: Mars trine AC- bold and confident, need physical outlets for increased energies.

All of my Venus aspects are natal since my Venus return is in the last week of April. I also noticed that there are many Mars transits and out of all the transits I’ve had the Mars ones have hit me the hardest so let’s see how this plays out. Thanks for reading and as always, I’ll talk to you soon.

AstroLife Experiment: Post 7

In my last post I listed a million and one upcoming transits, but there were two that really stood out to me. First there is Mercury sextile Neptune, which ends today, thank God. This transit has put me in full blown vacation mode during midterms of all times. I had so much that I wanted to complete in the past week and I got nothing but the bare minimum done because I could not concentrate. To make things worse at least half of last week had a void of course moon, which made it a terrible time to start something new. The next transit was Sun conjunct Venus. During this transit I went for my first chemical peel, bought a new skincare system, and started a new workout regimen, in an attempt to take better care of myself in 2013.

On my birthday, I found out some interesting information that was a definite eye opener. My grandmother has recently come to America to live and she’s staying with my father. She called me from an odd phone number and when I called it back my father answered. I didn’t think anything of it at first, it wasn’t until my aunt called me for my birthday that she dropped two bombs on me. The first one was that the odd number my grandmother called me from was my father’s land line number. My father has not had a land line number in years, he only has a cell phone. However, my aunt said that my grandmother demanded that he got one so he did. So I didn’t have his house phone number, nor was I even told that he has a house phone. The second bomb was when my aunt said that my father got his citizenship last week. This was the first I had heard of this. I had talked to him on the phone, twice since he had gotten his citizenship and he never said a word. Getting your citizenship is a big deal and it’s something you celebrate, he purposely chose not to tell me. He’s not even aware that I know. On top of that, he didn’t even get me anything for my birthday, not even a card. So on my birthday of all days I see where I stand with him. I see more confrontations in 2013…

Pluto will be going retrograde on April 12th at 2:35 pm. Where will Pluto be, when it goes retrograde? Mine will still be in my fourth house sadly. Still uprooting my home life and family ties. However, I know the uprooting is necessary despite the fact that it will be a rough experience. I am willing to bet that a heavy amount of this Plutonian energy will be focused on my father. This could be the year where I end communication with him, he’s been messing up way too often in a short space of time, and I’m just about done being disappointed.

There will be a new moon in 20°41′ Aries on April 10th at 5:35 am. This will be taking place in my 8th house and forming a quincunx with my natal Pluto. I can expect a transformation in my life, increased libido, a need for intensity and investigation, new beginnings, taking action, being more assertive, impulsiveness, power struggles, and obsessiveness.  This new moon will also be conjunct my Sun/Mercury midpoint which puts emphasis on communication and ideas.

My Upcoming Transits (Transit aspect Natal) & Midpoint Combinations

4/13-11/4: Uranus sextile MC- feeling positive about career advancement, being creative at work, willing to take risks, spontaneous, exploring new areas of interest (careers).

4/18-10/29: Uranus conjunct Sun- need for freedom, independence, and individuality, impatient, daring, hard to focus on everyday/tedious tasks.

4/11-4/22: Jupiter quincunx Uranus- letting go of outdated goals and personal visions to take a new path

4/13-4/23: Jupiter square AC- new opportunities arise and plans should proceed only when they are thoroughly thought out

4/17-5/6: Jupiter quincunx Neptune- personal ideals are challenged; may become disillusioned by ideals

4/15-4/20: Venus square Jupiter- self indulgent, generous, need for socialization

4/16-4/22: Venus square Saturn- withdrawing socially and emotionally, disappointments occur, noticing flaws in people around you

4/11-4/16: Venus conjunct Mercury- charming, friendly, artistic, humorous

4/11-4/17: Venus sextile Mars- romance, flirting, creative stimulation

4/13-4/16: Mars conjunct Mercury- very straightforward, direct, sharp mind

4/4-4/17: Mars sextile Mars- decisive, need for an outlet to express energy, big ego, self confidence

4/26-Mars/Neptune=Uranus: sudden inspiration, acting intuitively, helping others in your own way

4/30-Saturn/MC= Uranus: questioning authorityand pointing out its faults

I still have a ton of transits, but I’m curious to see how they manifest. I also did my solar return and received a stellium of planets in the 12th house in Aries, which should be interesting since the 12th house is about being hidden and Aries likes to be the center of attention. It’s a paradox, but only time will tell how this chart will become a reality. As always, I’ll talk to you soon. I hope everyone had a great holiday.

AstroLife Experiment:Post 6

Hi everyone, this is the AstroLife Experiment: Post 6. In my last post, I discussed the insights that Saturn provided me with, proving that Saturn isn’t all bad all the time.

On another note this past week has been crazy for me. I had a midterm, a presentation, a lengthy simulation lab, and a crappy clinical all in the past 7 days. Needless to say, I’m happy that week is history. I think my midterm went well, but I definitely don’t expect another 100. My presentation went amazingly well, the Prof., said our group’s presentation was the best since  it was the most entertaining and creatively presented. The sim lab was a hot mess, let’s just say I’m not cut out for the emergency room. I don’t do well with machines going off in my ear, and people giving me a lot of information/tasks in a small amount of time. In clinical, my professor said she doesn’t feel that we’re dedicated to being nurses, that we aren’t serious enough. She’s right in my case, I planned to get the degree and never use it. I wanted to get a degree in a field that I actually like, and use that to make a living. However, if I pass the lecture part of the class, and she fails me because she doesn’t feel I’m dedicated, I will not complete this degree, I will be moving on with my life.

In two days there will be a full moon at 6°52′ Libra taking place at 5:27 am. This full moon will be taking place conjunct my 2nd house cusp. This moon trines my Saturn, and quincunx my 9th house cusp. During this time I can expect to evaluate my life priorities, I want more attention, feel emotionally charged, overly cautious, I look for more ways to attain security, improve myself, and evaluate my higher learning choices.

My Upcoming Transits (Transit aspect Natal) & Midpoint Combinations

3/20- 4/13: Jupiter quincunx Moon-a big emotional change for the better

3/25-4/2: Mercury trine Moon- easy to discuss feelings and empathize; good communication with women

3/22-4/1: Mercury square MC- time to discuss thoughts about work

3/27-4/3: Mercury sextile Uranus- need for spontaneity, discoveries, and new interests

3/27-4/3: Mercury opposite AC- good communication with others, good time to discuss problems

3/30-4/6: Mercury sextile Neptune- unable to concentrate on mundane concerns; concentrating on daydreaming, entertaining, art, and being more intuitive

3/30-4/6: Mercury sextile Venus- harmonious relationships and being social

4/2-4/9: Mercury trine Pluto- deep conversation, revealing private matters, great concentration, learning about yourself and others

3/28-4/3: Venus sextile MC- thinking about relationships; being giving, understanding, artistic, and open minded

3/28-4/3: Venus conjunct Sun- use of artistic abilities, sharing feelings, beautifying my appearance, strong personal magnetism

3/30-4/5: Venus square Uranus- seeking exciting love relationships, flirtatious, artistically stimulated

3/30-4/2: Venus quincunx Moon- indulging in comfort

3/30-4/3: Venus conjunct AC- good mood, artistic, being vain and self conscious

4/1-4/7: Venus square Neptune- beware of rose colored glasses; creatively inspired

I have a solar return in a week, and maybe that’s why I have a million and one upcoming transits in the next couple of days. On another note I have devised a theory that having an angular Pluto and Saturn in a precessed solar return chart equals an extremely crappy year. I will perform a case study on this at an upcoming day. It’s just a trend that I have recently come across in my charts. Talk to you soon.

AstroLife Experiment: Post 5

Hello, and welcome to the AstroLife Experiment! It’s time for an update. In my last post, I discussed the horrid effects of Mercury and Saturn going retrograde in the same week. But now that the shock has subsided and I’m used to the energy of the retrograde planets, I can say that I’ve had some insights this week, probably due to Saturn.

On Monday, I got my test results back and was pleasantly surprised. I even got a 100 on my computer science test. This is where the insight kicks in, I start to analyze my situation. I don’t care to be in my major, I’m just finishing the degree since I’m almost done with it. I actually like computer science, it’s my favorite class this semester, and I’m excelling at it. When I got home after work, I did a little research and found out that computer science has a branch in biology, and my credits that I have now can be used to get a future degree in computer science. On Tuesday, I went to see the head of the computer science department and talked to her about joining the major next year. She recommended classes for me to take, and gave me permission to take a high level computer science class next semester. I’m really looking forward to it, because I may have finally found my career choice. My friend was right, everything that I’ve been doing is connected, but I just couldn’t see it.

As for some other drama that came to a head this week… I was supposed to be a bridesmaid in my aunt’s wedding this summer. However, me and the other bridesmaids could not agree on the bridesmaid dresses. Everyone else was in love with these cheap, hideous dresses whereas I wanted to look elegant in a fabulous, form fitting dress, that was deemed too formal. After a week of trying to find a dress everyone can agree on, I realized that it was mission impossible and dropped out of the wedding party. However, I couldn’t have done that in better timing. I found out later that the men aren’t wearing tuxedos,  but mismatching suits. The bridesmaids will be wearing cheap, cocktail dresses. There will be no food or liquor at the wedding. I also found out that the only reason I was asked to be a bridesmaid was because my aunt didn’t have anyone in her family in the bridal party so it made her look bad. I was the scapegoat, but since I dropped out I don’t know what she will do to remedy that situation.

Tomorrow, there will be a new moon in Pisces at 21°24′ at 3:51 pm. This new moon will take place in my 7th house and will be trining my natal Pluto. I’ll be trying to improve my relationships, be more emotionally charged, deal with self destructive habits, feel like I don’t want to be alone, might seek out a new partner, have a heightened imagination and dream life, and be more outspoken.

My Upcoming Transits (Transit aspect Natal) & Midpoint Combinations

3/14-3/25: Mars sextile Saturn- self discipline, perserverance, and great concentration

3/15-4/9: Jupiter conjunct MC- changes for the better in work and career, explore new career opportunities

3/17-4/11: Jupiter sextile Sun- feeling relaxed and harmonious, getting along well with others

3/6-3/16: Mars square Mars- aggressive, easily angered, conflict, better to work alone

3/20- Venus/Mars= Jupiter: Venus/ Mars is considered the sex point in astrology, I’m not sure how that’s going to manifest when Jupiter transits that point. It could mean that I overextend myself in my work, this week is supposed to be very busy for me. Let’s just see what happens.

I’m halfway into my Mars square Mars transit but I definitely don’t feel aggressive, but more standoffish like I’d rather not be bothered with people. However, the conflict part couldn’t be more accurate, I dropped out of my aunt’s wedding drama on the 6th, the very first day of the transit and I don’t think that was a coincidence. I’ll keep updating you guys on the AstroLife Experiment, the adventure has only begun. Talk to you soon.

AstroLife Experiment: Post 3

Hey guys, I’m back with another update for the AstroLife Experiment. The last time I posted I discussed the chaos that the Mars square Moon transit caused in the personal and professional areas of my life. However, I’m glad to report that things did take a turn for the better in what I called “The Best Week Ever”. The Week of January 28th to February 1st was amazing for me, I was starting to think I had the Midas touch.

On Monday I had the greatest first day of school ever. My teachers loved me and even learned my name, and as a bonus I got compliments all day long. What can I say, flattery made this day amazing. On Tuesday, I had a great day again, even found money on the steps in my school. I also happened to meet a really cute guy, that happens to be my new crush. On Wednesday, I found an even greater amount of money on a different staircase in my school, had a great day in class where I got everything correct, and I got to talk to my best friend, whom I haven’t talked to since November since we’re never free at the same time. On Thursday, I got the highest score ever on my fantasy sports team, even making the leaderboard that week, which I’ve never done in the past year that I’ve been playing. On Friday, I got to leave clinical early and I got off of work early. It really was the best week ever.

I looked to my transits because I was really curious as to why I had such amazing luck that week. The best answer I came up with was transiting Uranus trine my natal Jupiter, the combination of unexpected luck. When my luck started to wear off the orb between the two became greater than 2 degrees.

Tomorrow in the wee hours of the morning, at 2:20 am, there will be a new moon at 21°43′ Aquarius. which means that you might feel the need to bring change and a unique flair to some part of your life. This Aquarian new moon will take place in my 6th house and will be squaring my Pluto. This can bring a change in my health regimen and daily habits, a need for organization, a desire to improve my work environment or change jobs, or question my role in society. With Pluto in the mix I can encounter power struggles, obsessiveness, or try to improve myself.

My New Transits (Transit aspect Natal)

2/4-2/8: Mars trine Mars- self confident, courageous, great leadership skills

2/4-2/7: Mercury trine Mars- decisive, articulate, good time to assert needs and desires, need to keep busy

2/4-2/8: Mars quincunx Jupiter- very ambitious, optimistic, enthusiastic

2/6-2/8: Mercury quincunx Jupiter- plans go wrong, need to stick to routine, use priorities to make decisions

1/26-2/4: Mars sextile Mercury- mentally agile, decisive, self confident

2/2-2/6: Mercury sextile Mercury- mental restlessness, increased communication, curiosity

Looking back at this past week’s transits I can honestly say that I did feel really self confident and that my plans did go wrong at the end of this week. The trains were delayed, and I wasn’t able to travel from place to place and be on time. In my next post I will discuss how these transits, and more are manifesting. Talk to you soon. 🙂

AstroLife Experiment: Post 2

Hi everyone, I know this post is long overdue, but a lot of events have taken place in the past two weeks that has distracted me from the blog. In my last post, I discussed the new moon in Capricorn, which took place in my fifth house. In the spirit of a new moon I chose to make a positive addition in my life- to be more social. I’m always working, (at school or my job), and my life easily becomes all work and no play, so I decided to make a change and go out at least once a month and have fun. After all life is too short to be a workaholic.

I also mentioned a couple of transits and midpoints that were activated, and the one that really stands out to me is Mars square Moon. This was a week of big conflict for me. I got into multiple arguments with my father, my parents decided that they really hate each other, I got into a minor altercation at work, and a family member’s affair has come into the open. As you can see, there were lots of emotional outbursts. As for the altercation that occurred at work, I plan to address it today, which goes hand in hand with one of my two recently activated transits.

There’s also going to be a full moon this Sunday night at 7°24′ Leo. This full moon is taking place in my eleventh house and squares my house 3 and 9 cusps. It is also sextile house 2 and trine house 8. I can expect that I will question or commit to aspirations, form new friendships, old friendships will deepen or be broken.

My New Transits (Transit aspect Natal)

1/17- 2014: Neptune quincunx Jupiter- reassessing personal goals, may feel lost and confused

1/21- 7/11: Pluto sextile Moon- relationships deepen, revealing hidden parts of myself, good time to discuss issues, emotional and physical blocks are loosened.

I can honestly say that I feel the effects of the Neptune transit already. Since last Friday when the altercation took place at work, I feel like I might not keep this job as long as I originally intended to. Instead I want to use the money that I’ve earned to invest in myself and learn a trade that can keep the money rolling in. In my next post I will discuss how these transits, and more are manifesting. Talk to you soon. 🙂

AstroLife Experiment: Post 1

In my last post I explained that I would be living 2013 by the cosmos. In order to accomplish this I took note of moon cycles, transits to come, and void of course moon to really see if being more astrologically aware will make my life run smoother. In my previous post I explained the life changing effects of Pluto in my life during 2012, and it was those events that made me come up with the idea of the AstroLife Experiment.

I took note of moon cycles because it helps in determining the tone of a month by telling which house is being affected, the house the moon is in when it is new or full, and which planets and midpoints are activated by forming an aspect with the moon. When the aspect is soft, like a trine or sextile, there is a positive outcome, and when the aspect is hard, (square, opposition, quincunx), there is usually a struggle to overcome. However, when it comes to midpoints, remember that they are only activated by hard aspects and this doesn’t automatically make the outcome negative.

My reason for looking at a void of course moon chart is to be the most productive me that I can be. When you do something during a void of course moon it ends up needing to be redone, and what is repeated does not manifest. During a void of course moon it is recommended that you do not start anything new, sign any important papers, make business deals, get married or go on a first date, get surgery, etc. It is best to relax, reflect, or engage in a hobby like activity. I personally plan to use this calendar as a study guide to avoid studying during void of course moon since I would never be able to absorb the information from my textbook. For those who don’t know what a void of course moon is it’s when the moon is between signs.

As of next week a new moon cycle begins on Jan. 13. It will be a Capricorn new moon at 21 degrees 46 minutes. For me that would be a fifth house new moon. During a new moon it’s good to start something that’s related to the house that it falls in, it’s said that whatever you start on a new moon is rewarded on a full moon. Ex.- What’s started on a Capricorn new moon is rewarded on a Capricorn full moon. If the moon is in your fourth house you may want to redecorate your home or do a renovation of some sort.

My Upcoming Transits (Transit aspect Natal) & Midpoint Combinations

1/7 to 4/3: Saturn conjunct Moon- self doubt, self criticism, feeling isolated, feeling withdrawn, feeling misunderstood, time for reflection, break away from old habits and attachments

1/5 to 1/15: Mars square moon- impatient, irritable, hot headed, having no problem standing up for myself

1/5 to 1/10: Mercury sextile Moon- sharing feelings and being a good listener

1/7-1/11: Mercury conjunct Uranus- fast thinking and learning, restless, impulsive, bored with routine

1/2-4/9: Saturn quincunx Sun- ending an important phase in my life, making changes in life that lessen responsibilities

2012 to 4/13: Saturn quincunx MC- adjustments in work responsibilities or social status

2012 to 8/13: Pluto quincunx MC- changes in life direction after doing some soul searching

2012 to 7/29: Pluto square Sun- internal changes, determination, spontaneity, assertiveness, need to reform life, need for greater personal power and creative expression, very ambitious, eliminating old habits, power struggles, feeling that I compromise too much

2012 to 2/9: Neptune sextile Mercury- sympathetic, understanding, imaginative, creatively inspired

2012 to 3/11: Neptune trine Mars- motivated, idealistic, relaxed, able to see other’s point of view

2012 to 2/16: Pluto/MC=Neptune- this midpoint makes you pursue what you believe your true path is and creates power struggles with authority. With Neptune I could be too idealistic in career pursuits and find myself daydreaming to escape the power struggles.

2012 to 4/13: Uranus/AC=Saturn- this midpoint creates a unique personality, changes in outer appearance, and a rebellious personality. With Saturn freedom becomes very important and I will fight if it is infringed upon.

2012 to 4/13: Neptune/AC=Saturn- this midpoint creates uncertainty and confusion in relationships, confusion about who you are, and a mysterious personality. With Saturn there’s a fear of deception in relationships and frustration from misunderstandings.

In my next post I will discuss how these transits, midpoint activation, and more are manifesting. So far I can definitely say that studying according to the void of course moon chart has worked wonders for me. Every time I study I retain most of the information and that’s a big step for me. So the Astrolife Project is being effective.