Case Study File: Unexplained Impulsiveness Part 2

Welcome back to the first edition of the case study files, this is part 2 of Unexplained Impulsiveness. Now let’s pick up where we left off…first meeting

T-Square (transit): Mars conjunct Venus in Taurus (36’ orb) opposite Pluto conjunct north node in Scorpio (3°8’). The orb of the opposition is about a half degree. All of this is squaring the vertex in Aquarius with an orb of less than 2°. Mars conjunct Venus gives you the drive to go after what you desire, and makes you impulsive in your love life. Pluto conjunct North node- brings what is in the dark to light, changing your image, goals, and reputation. Since the north node is karmic and we have node connections in our synastry chart, I do believe that our union was supposed to teach us about ourselves and make a change in how we approach relationships. The vertex, is a sensitive point in relationships, and it happens to be the midpoint of this opposition causing a t-square. So let’s put this info together. I impulsively pursued a guy that I liked, being the aggressor, which was something I had never done before. Pluto showed me that me changing behavior from the pursued to the pursuer affected my mindset. I actually enjoyed being the pursuer and it was because I liked the power of controlling the chase, a very Plutonian quality. The square to the vertex just amplified everything, making it affect me more personally. It is also important to say that my Vertex is the exact same degree as my Venus/Pluto midpoint, which means that nothing would get in my way of getting the guy that I wanted. Mars, the planet of action and aggression , and North node, which represents karmic growth, were both squaring this point, therefore activating this midpoint as well. This occurred in my 9th house, which represents higher education and foreigners, and my third house, which is the house of communication. My communication underwent a Plutonian transformation and I met this individual in a higher educational institute. He also had a different cultural background than me. (Look at the chart above at the circles and squares to see where the t-square is taking place.

Transit Uranus and Pluto were both on my critical degree in my chart, the 11°. I call it the critical degree because it affects many personal points such as my Sun, Moon, and all of my angles. The Sun in my natal chart is at the apex of a YOD with my moon and AC. Uranus on the exact point of my sun caused me to step outside of my comfort zone of how I like to identify myself. It caused me to be more assertive in what I want in life and this reflected in my personality. It led me to be more assertive in matters of the heart, where I tended to be more laid back. My sun is in the 8th house, the house of sex, power, transformation and death.

Pluto was also at the 11° mark, directly squaring my sun. Pluto is forcing me to reinvent myself and get rid of old patterns that no longer serve me. This aspect also forces you out of your comfort zone, and the harder you fight against it, the harder your life will be. I actually complied with Pluto and learned something about myself. Pluto is in my 4th house aspecting my 8th house sun. The 4th house represents your childhood and the emotional patterns that evolved from your upbringing. Pluto is attempting to cleanse all those skeletons from my closet and change my attitudes about romance, sex, power, which would transform me into a better person.

Jupiter quincunx Pluto (Transit)- This aspect had an orb of 17’. Jupiter in aspect to Pluto makes the power of Pluto more grand and effective, due to it being an expansive planet. This can be the reason Pluto played a big role in these aspects. This occurred in my 3rd and 10th houses, which affected my communication in social situations.

Moon quincunx Saturn (transit and progression)- The transit had an orb of 1°42’ and the progression had an orb of 35’. This transit highlights emotional patterns and security. It means that you feel a lack of support from others and feel emotionally isolated. The progression affects my 5th and 12th houses. This affects my hidden feelings about romance. The transit affects my 5th and 10th houses. This affects my romantic endeavors in social settings. Needless to say that I didn’t feel supported when my little romance was abruptly cut short.

Chiron opposite AC (transit)- This aspect had an orb of 38’. This aspect makes a person determined to have companionship. This is evident in me reaching out to him online when he didn’t show up to class.

To sum this information up we should look at recurrent themes. The 5th and 10th houses played the biggest roles so something significant was bound to happen to me socially and romantically. Pluto and Mars were major players in the events, and what really makes them significant is that Mars is the ruler of my sun and Pluto rules my moon. Major transformations and realizations were to occur from my short relationship.

If you have any questions or comments about this case study, or would like to provide information to analyze a situation in your life, please feel free to leave a comment.

I hope you enjoyed case study file: Unexplained Impulsiveness.


AstroLife Experiment: Post 3

Hey guys, I’m back with another update for the AstroLife Experiment. The last time I posted I discussed the chaos that the Mars square Moon transit caused in the personal and professional areas of my life. However, I’m glad to report that things did take a turn for the better in what I called “The Best Week Ever”. The Week of January 28th to February 1st was amazing for me, I was starting to think I had the Midas touch.

On Monday I had the greatest first day of school ever. My teachers loved me and even learned my name, and as a bonus I got compliments all day long. What can I say, flattery made this day amazing. On Tuesday, I had a great day again, even found money on the steps in my school. I also happened to meet a really cute guy, that happens to be my new crush. On Wednesday, I found an even greater amount of money on a different staircase in my school, had a great day in class where I got everything correct, and I got to talk to my best friend, whom I haven’t talked to since November since we’re never free at the same time. On Thursday, I got the highest score ever on my fantasy sports team, even making the leaderboard that week, which I’ve never done in the past year that I’ve been playing. On Friday, I got to leave clinical early and I got off of work early. It really was the best week ever.

I looked to my transits because I was really curious as to why I had such amazing luck that week. The best answer I came up with was transiting Uranus trine my natal Jupiter, the combination of unexpected luck. When my luck started to wear off the orb between the two became greater than 2 degrees.

Tomorrow in the wee hours of the morning, at 2:20 am, there will be a new moon at 21°43′ Aquarius. which means that you might feel the need to bring change and a unique flair to some part of your life. This Aquarian new moon will take place in my 6th house and will be squaring my Pluto. This can bring a change in my health regimen and daily habits, a need for organization, a desire to improve my work environment or change jobs, or question my role in society. With Pluto in the mix I can encounter power struggles, obsessiveness, or try to improve myself.

My New Transits (Transit aspect Natal)

2/4-2/8: Mars trine Mars- self confident, courageous, great leadership skills

2/4-2/7: Mercury trine Mars- decisive, articulate, good time to assert needs and desires, need to keep busy

2/4-2/8: Mars quincunx Jupiter- very ambitious, optimistic, enthusiastic

2/6-2/8: Mercury quincunx Jupiter- plans go wrong, need to stick to routine, use priorities to make decisions

1/26-2/4: Mars sextile Mercury- mentally agile, decisive, self confident

2/2-2/6: Mercury sextile Mercury- mental restlessness, increased communication, curiosity

Looking back at this past week’s transits I can honestly say that I did feel really self confident and that my plans did go wrong at the end of this week. The trains were delayed, and I wasn’t able to travel from place to place and be on time. In my next post I will discuss how these transits, and more are manifesting. Talk to you soon. 🙂

Love and Midpoints

Everyone is always wondering when am I going to meet the one? And of course, we want all of the details. We want to know what they look like, where will we meet them, when we will meet them, etc. We’ve all been there and done that, but instead of wondering look to your love midpoints.

I decided to look back at relationships where I really felt in love. Those relationships stood out because no matter what happened we wanted to work things out, and gave each other many chances. Even when you say it’s over, you know if you had a chance with them you would try to make it work all over again. I discovered that this is the influence of your love midpoints.

Your love midpoints would include your Sun/Moon midpoint, which is heavily emphasized in synastry (relationship astrology), your Venus/Jupiter midpoint, Moon/Venus midpoint, Venus/Mars midpoint, Venus/Uranus midpoint, and Venus/Pluto midpoint. You can also look to your vertex since it shows when a new influence, (event, person, opportunity, etc.), will come into your life. Just be aware that this influence can be good or bad, so don’t over romanticize it or you’ll be disappointed. The vertex is a sensitive place and it is activated by hard aspects.

Sun/Moon: The balance of ego and emotion, and represents your deepest need of fulfillment.

Venus/Jupiter: is about generosity in love, giving and receiving it. Opening your heart to someone or something new.

Moon/Venus: is the mixture of emotion and love, and relates to things that make you feel good.

Venus/Mars: is referred to as your sex point, it describes the chemistry between two people.

Venus/Uranus: is about unexpected love; love at first sight.

Venus/Pluto: is a deep love that is beyond the superficial, and can become obsessive if one isn’t careful.

Sun/Venus: represents romance, self love, your radiant attractive qualities, harmony, artistic talent, and your beauty ideal.

I recommend that you analyze the times in your life when you felt you were in love, and if you remember the day that you met look at the transits of that day and compare it to your natal chart. Check to see if any of the planets activated your love midpoints and look for a pattern. This pattern will give you a clue as to when you will meet someone that you can really fall in love with.


My freshman year of college, I was let out of my class late, which made me late for my following class. By the time I got to my class, my regular seat was taken by someone else and I sat all the way in the back of class in the only seat that was left next to a person. (I didn’t want to sit in the empty back row by myself). Little did I know that I was sitting next to the guy I would be having an ongoing romance with for at least a year.

On that day my vertex was on fire, I had a Jupiter conjunction with a 1° orb, a Neptune conjunction with a 5° orb, a square with the moon with an orb less than 1°, and a Mars quincunx with an orb of 2°. (Note: Only take the moon into consideration if you know the almost exact time of day that you met. The moon moves very quickly and changes a degree in about 4-5 minutes. I got lucky and found my old class schedule so I knew what time my class had started.) I also had a conjunction to my Sun/Moon midpoint by my North Node with a 1° orb. Additionally, my Venus/Jupiter midpoint had 3 very tight squares with Mercury, Saturn, and Uranus. Also, my Moon/Venus midpoint was activated by the Sun and Pluto. Lastly, my Venus/Pluto midpoint was activated by Jupiter, the moon, and Mars.

For me, this is where things became interesting. I learned that my vertex is the same degree as my Venus/Pluto midpoint. When I looked at another time I was in love I found my pattern. Whenever my vertex and Venus/Pluto midpoint is activated I meet someone that I’m very attracted to, and they are a potential love. This feeling is due to the power of Venus/Pluto and it is emphasized by the ultra sensitive vertex. Ironically, my vertex is now officially romanticized thanks to Venus/Pluto.

You can take it a step further and look at your midpoint combinations, so that you can have an idea of what kind of tone your relationship had. It can give you the clarity you need in the face of past and future obstacles.

Well I’ve rambled enough for one day, and I hope you can use this information to your benefit. If you have any questions on midpoint astrology, let me know and I will help you to the best of my ability:)

Your Most Important Midpoints

There are 78 midpoints in total in astrology, and everyone has midpoints that are uniquely important to them. I wanted to find out which midpoints are most significant in my life, and how they affect me when activated by a transit.  Before I mention that, I want to discuss how I selected my most important midpoints.

1. Calculate your midpoints in your birth chart. There are several calculators online that are free. I usually google ‘midpoint calculator’ and find one.

2. Keep a log of your midpoints so that you can refer to them. I have an astrology notebook where I logged every chart and midpoint interpretation.

3. Under each midpoint make a note of each planet that activates that point. (For example, my Mercury/Jupiter midpoint is Gemini 16° 3′. This point was activated by a quincunx made by Neptune in Capricorn 16° 41′.) This means I have a Mercury/Jupiter/Neptune midpoint combination. (Refer to last post if unsure of what a midpoint combination entails).

4. Note the orb between the midpoint and planet. Using my previous example of the Mercury/Jupiter midpoint and Neptune, there is an orb of 38′ between them. This is a very tight orb. I circled all orbs that are equal to or less than 1°.

5. Now you are ready to select your most important midpoints :D. I took the midpoint with the most tight orbs to be the strongest. I had two midpoints that had 3 tight orbs each. So how did I decide which one was stronger? I added up the orbs, and the midpoint with the lowest total was the one that I believe is stronger since it represents an overall tighter orb.

Example- My Moon/Venus midpoint is aspected by Uranus with an orb of 43′, Mars with an orb of 2′, and my Asc. with an orb of 27′. The overall orb was 1° 12′.

My Venus/MC midpoint is aspected by Uranus with an orb of 16′, Mars with an orb of 19′, and Mercury with an orb of 28′. The overall orb was 1° 3′. This is the stronger midpoint of the two.

You should have about 10-15 important midpoints on your list.

Feel free to ask any questions on this process, and I will help you to the best of my ability. 🙂

PS- I will be discussing midpoints and transits in the future. Have a great day!