AstroLife Experiment: Post 5

Hello, and welcome to the AstroLife Experiment! It’s time for an update. In my last post, I discussed the horrid effects of Mercury and Saturn going retrograde in the same week. But now that the shock has subsided and I’m used to the energy of the retrograde planets, I can say that I’ve had some insights this week, probably due to Saturn.

On Monday, I got my test results back and was pleasantly surprised. I even got a 100 on my computer science test. This is where the insight kicks in, I start to analyze my situation. I don’t care to be in my major, I’m just finishing the degree since I’m almost done with it. I actually like computer science, it’s my favorite class this semester, and I’m excelling at it. When I got home after work, I did a little research and found out that computer science has a branch in biology, and my credits that I have now can be used to get a future degree in computer science. On Tuesday, I went to see the head of the computer science department and talked to her about joining the major next year. She recommended classes for me to take, and gave me permission to take a high level computer science class next semester. I’m really looking forward to it, because I may have finally found my career choice. My friend was right, everything that I’ve been doing is connected, but I just couldn’t see it.

As for some other drama that came to a head this week… I was supposed to be a bridesmaid in my aunt’s wedding this summer. However, me and the other bridesmaids could not agree on the bridesmaid dresses. Everyone else was in love with these cheap, hideous dresses whereas I wanted to look elegant in a fabulous, form fitting dress, that was deemed too formal. After a week of trying to find a dress everyone can agree on, I realized that it was mission impossible and dropped out of the wedding party. However, I couldn’t have done that in better timing. I found out later that the men aren’t wearing tuxedos,  but mismatching suits. The bridesmaids will be wearing cheap, cocktail dresses. There will be no food or liquor at the wedding. I also found out that the only reason I was asked to be a bridesmaid was because my aunt didn’t have anyone in her family in the bridal party so it made her look bad. I was the scapegoat, but since I dropped out I don’t know what she will do to remedy that situation.

Tomorrow, there will be a new moon in Pisces at 21°24′ at 3:51 pm. This new moon will take place in my 7th house and will be trining my natal Pluto. I’ll be trying to improve my relationships, be more emotionally charged, deal with self destructive habits, feel like I don’t want to be alone, might seek out a new partner, have a heightened imagination and dream life, and be more outspoken.

My Upcoming Transits (Transit aspect Natal) & Midpoint Combinations

3/14-3/25: Mars sextile Saturn- self discipline, perserverance, and great concentration

3/15-4/9: Jupiter conjunct MC- changes for the better in work and career, explore new career opportunities

3/17-4/11: Jupiter sextile Sun- feeling relaxed and harmonious, getting along well with others

3/6-3/16: Mars square Mars- aggressive, easily angered, conflict, better to work alone

3/20- Venus/Mars= Jupiter: Venus/ Mars is considered the sex point in astrology, I’m not sure how that’s going to manifest when Jupiter transits that point. It could mean that I overextend myself in my work, this week is supposed to be very busy for me. Let’s just see what happens.

I’m halfway into my Mars square Mars transit but I definitely don’t feel aggressive, but more standoffish like I’d rather not be bothered with people. However, the conflict part couldn’t be more accurate, I dropped out of my aunt’s wedding drama on the 6th, the very first day of the transit and I don’t think that was a coincidence. I’ll keep updating you guys on the AstroLife Experiment, the adventure has only begun. Talk to you soon.

Astropsychology Profile: The Relationship Seeker

There are people that naturally seek out a long term relationship, they seem to be searching for their future husband or wife. They have fantasies of themselves in the future with a family of their own and in their own home living the American dream. These people are what I call relationship seekers. They don’t date to say that they’re dating, they date to mate and marry. A relationship seeker wants to connect with their partner mentally, physically, and spiritually. Anything less would be a sheer disappointment.

The positive trait of a relationship seeker is that they are faithful and are willing to work out any problems in a relationship. They genuinely want a relationship to work. On the flip side, a relationship seeker can find themselves jumping from relationship to relationship because they cannot stand to be alone. The relationship seeker needs to make sure that they are comfortable enough with themselves to be alone at times. You do not need to be with someone all the time, and when a relationship ends take a break from the dating scene to reflect on what mistakes were made. That reflection time helps you to acknowledge, accept, and learn from the mistakes of both parties, and it gives you closure. Then a relationship seeker can do what they do best, look for their next long term relationship.

Possible Relationship Seeker Placements: (Note: A person would need more than one of these placements to fit this profile.)

Taurus Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, or Ascendant- A Taurus person is ruled by Venus, so it is no surprise that they would exude sensuality and look for a partner that does the same. They are affectionate and loyal to a fault.

Cancer Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, or Ascendant- A Cancerian wears their heart on their sleeve. They give unconditional love and expect the same in return. Cancerians love to be in the company of others and are the definition of a hopeless romantic.

Libra Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, or Ascendant- Libra is the sign of partnership, ruled by Venus, and the natural ruler of the seventh house so it is no surprise that a Libra person would be a relationship seeker. They are thoughtful, loving, and affectionate people.

Scorpio Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, or Ascendant- Scorpios are very emotionally deep, but keep this fact hidden. They seek relationships full of passion and need to fully trust their partners before they can give 100% in a relationship. For them it’s are all or nothing. Once you have a Scorpio’s trust, you have their heart.

Pisces Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, or Ascendant- Pisces people are romantics and tend to view the world through rose colored glasses. They tend to have a dream of an ideal partner, and they must be careful that they do not inflict these standards upon their mates. Real people, have real flaws, and ideal doesn’t exist. A Pisces person is affectionate, sensitive, and caring.

Moon trine/sextile Venus- very open emotionally, wears their heart on their sleeves, craves affection and gives it openly as well.

Moon trine/sextile Mars- extremely passionate, and protective of the people and things that they love.

Venus trine/sextile Mars- very affectionate and passionate, attractive, has charisma that draws people to them, (which could make potentially make them serial daters.)

To check the relevance of these placements look to your natal and progressed chart. Your natal chart would show the blueprint of who you were as a child, and the progressed chart shows the evolution of who you are now. (For example- My progressed chart has a Libra Ascendant, Taurus Sun, and Cancer Mars. I definitely find myself looking for my future husband, especially with my mom casually bringing up the subject of grandchildren).

Look to your charts and the charts of people you know, and see if one of you fit the relationship seeker profile. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to submit them. Have a great day!

Next Post: The Serial Dater

Astropsychology Profile: The Complacent

In my last post I discussed the ambitious, and in this post the topic will be its counterpart, the complacent. A complacent person is lazy and settles for whatever life brings their way. Nine out of ten times, the complacent person doesn’t go the extra mile, but does the absolute minimum to get by. Back in your school days, the ambitious person always did extra credit even if they were already getting an A in the class, and the complacent person said that the extra credit was optional so they didn’t do it because even though they have a C in the class, they’re still passing.

Being complacent is all about your life’s perspective and whether or not you can see the long term gain of trying to accomplish something more than what you already have. A complacent person must learn that life’s greatest opportunities doesn’t come knocking at your door, this is not a Publisher’s Clearinghouse commercial. To cease a great opportunity you have to make an effort towards it, and have the confidence to believe that you can succeed. You also have to believe that sacrificing your time to do extra work or applying yourself would reap a reward. Having some ambition could do a complacent person a world of good, giving them the strength to make their wildest dreams a reality.

Possible Complacent Placements: (Note: A person would need more than one of these placements to fit this profile)

Pisces Sun, Mercury, Mars, or Ascendant- A Pisces person can be seen as complacent because they are known to dream, rather than to take the steps to make that dream a reality. They also tend to take a passive approach in life, and when the world gets tough they put on their rose colored glasses that their ruler Neptune provides them. A Pisces person doesn’t make waves, they go with the flow.

Cancer Sun, Mercury, Mars, or Ascendant- A Cancer person has the tendency to procrastinate, and may lack initiative to finish what they have started. They are also very emotionally connected to anything that they produce, which makes their threshold for criticism very low. As a result of this if a Cancerian is subjected to negative criticism they may cease efforts to work harder.

To check the relevance of these placements look to your natal and progressed chart. Your natal chart would show the blueprint of who you were as a child, and the progressed chart shows the evolution of who you are now. (For example- My progressed chart has Mars in Cancer and that placement has made me want and need support from others when I have an idea. It’s not enough for me to believe in myself, I need others to believe in me as well. It’s like a high school football team and pep squad relationship. When I have that support I work harder and am less likely to give up when I encounter an obstacle).

Look to your charts and the charts of people you know, and see if one of you fit the complacent profile. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to submit them. Have a great day!

Astropsychology Profile: The Affectionate

Although the ability for someone to give or receive affection is altered by their environment, the stars also contribute to the affection component of a person. The combination of astrology and life experience helps to determine how comfortable a person is with affection.

An affectionate person craves intimacy from everyone that they know. They can never get close enough to the people around them, literally and figuratively. They also hate to be by themselves and have a tendency to always be in a relationship, because they can’t stand the thought of being alone. Being alone has a lack of affection and intimacy, and to an affectionate person that would be like trying to breathe without oxygen. If a person is an extreme affectionate personality they can have the tendency to jump from relationship to relationship, and sacrifice developing their own identity because they are always themselves plus another person. What the extreme affectionate personality needs to realize is that they can stand on their own two feet, and that they need to have the ability to do this because if you do not know who you are, you are more susceptible to being taken advantage of by others. The affectionate person can learn independence from their polar opposite, the aloof personality.

An affectionate person should understand that not everyone is as open as they are with their feelings. Some people need privacy and personal space, and an affectionate person should respect that. This is the reason that an affectionate and aloof person have a hard time being together in a relationship. They have different love styles and the only way there is even a chance of them making it together in a relationship would be if the affectionate person taught the aloof person how to love. The relationship will only succeed if the aloof person is open to gradually expressing more affection, but that would take some time to happen. As they say, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” The union of an affectionate and aloof person is a journey that takes patience and care, and although the progression of the relationship may be slow, the end result is a very rewarding relationship with the intimacy the affectionate person needs and the intimacy the aloof secretly craves.

So enough with the love advice, let’s discuss the possible affectionate placements: (Note: A person would need more than one of these placements to fit this profile)

Libra Sun, Moon, Venus, or Ascendant: Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and affection, so naturally a Libra personality is affectionate. They also can have the tendency to hate being alone, which can lead to jumping from relationship to relationship.

Pisces Sun, Moon, Venus, or Ascendant: Pisces personalities are dreamers and one of those dreams include love. They are open, compassionate, and affectionate.

Taurus Sun, Moon, Venus, or Ascendant: Taurus is also ruled by Venus, which makes them affectionate. They are commitment oriented, sensual, and passionate.

Cancer Sun, Moon, Venus, or Ascendant: Cancer personalities are gentle, shy, sentimental, and very romantic. They are very family oriented and sensitive people.

Moon trine or sextile Ascendant: Emotions are in tune with the personality, making it easy to express them verbally and physically.

Venus trine or sextile Ascendant: These people have a positive self image that makes them less susceptible to jealousy. This Venus conjunction is also charming, sociable, and can be very affectionate when placed with a Libra, Pisces, Taurus, and Cancer Ascendant.

To check the relevance of these placements look to your natal and progressed chart. Your natal chart would show the blueprint of who you were as a child, and the progressed chart shows the evolution of who you are now. (For example- My natal chart has Venus trine Ascendant and when I was little my mom called me a socialite. She said that unlike a normal child that cried and clung to their parents on the first day of school, I gave her a hug and ran off to play with the other children. By the end of the day, I had a bunch of new friends that I couldn’t wait to see again).

Look to your charts and the charts of people you know, and see if one of you fit the affectionate profile. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to submit them. Have a great day!

Next Post: Astropsychology Profile: The Aloof