AstroLife Experiment: Post 8

Hey everyone, the last two weeks have been interesting to say the least. I’d like to note that this is the most personal post that I have put up so be prepared…

Thanks to my Venus sextile Mars transit I got the opportunity that I have been waiting for two months, a chance to really get to know my crush. We talked about a wide variety of subjects and learned a lot of new information about each other in a short period of time. Then there was a couple of signs that I saw that creeped me out. As an astrologer I can’t help but play devil’s advocate by checking someone’s natal chart. Despite the fact that I don’t have an exact birthday, just a month and a sign, I just looked at the slower moving planets and the nodes. That was enough to scare me. I discovered that my Mars is on the same degree as his South node, which indicates some past life connection. Then there’s the fact that I’ve read that a Leo male is the only type of male that an Aries woman can’t dominate, since they are the only sign more willful than we are.

Coincidentally, that same week one of my good friends met a guy that she happens to like and her exchange sounded similar to mine. What was extremely weird is that she said he’s a Leo, and she never meets Leos…so do I. We’re in two different states with the same experience, it was definitely odd.

But enough of that, let me stop boring you guys.

On another note, I met my father on his job last week and it felt like I was “sleeping with the enemy” like I wasn’t supposed to be there. Granted, he has messed up many of times in a small time frame and our meeting was supposed to be a hi and bye. I don’t know what possessed me to agree to go out to lunch with him. During that entire time I’m thinking that I shouldn’t be there and what am I doing. My only rationale is that I wanted to spend time around him while he was being nice, which has yet to occur in 2013. Just when I thought I was ready to cut him out of my life, he managed to mend a fence.

So our first Lunar eclipse of 2013 is occurring on April 25th at 4:06 pm in 5°46′ Scorpio. This will occur in my second house and form a t-square with my Saturn and Jupiter. It will also conjunct my 3rd house cusp. This could mean a change in my earnings, I could be evaluating my self worth, focus on security, I may need to be careful with my spending, I could be feeling pessimistic, I could be confronting deep fears/obsessions/control issues, feel emotionally overwhelmed, alone, and be cautious in my love life.

My Upcoming Transits (Transit aspect Natal)

4/20-4/24: Mercury square Uranus- quick thinking, fast paced life, feeling inspired or pulled in many directions

4/20-4/23: Mercury quincunx AC- difficulty communicating due to misunderstandings, feeling nervous, not thinking before speaking

4/20-4/22: Mercury quincunx Moon- need to talk about feelings, but may struggle to do so

4/22-4/26: Mercury square Neptune- daydreaming; misunderstandings

4/22-4/27: Venus opposite Moon- very affectionate, emotions get in the way of objective thinking

4/23-4/29: Venus trine Uranus- spontaneity, unexpected pleasures, new friends, being adventurous

4/23-4/29: Venus trine AC- being more social, enhancing appearance

4/25-5/1: Venus trine Neptune- empathetic, daydreaming, creative, very loving

4/28-5/4: Venus opposite Pluto- intense emotional or sexual attraction, intimate encounter, desire to be close to and share feelings with someone, relationships intensify, old emotions and issues come to the surface.

4/20-4/30: Mars square Jupiter- very ambitious, optimistic, enthusiastic about new plans

4/22-5/2: Mars square Saturn- frustration, sensitive to criticism and limitations, fights with authority figures, feeling overwhelmed

5/1-5/11: Mars opposite Moon- very competitive, impatient, unresolved feelings arise

5/3-5/13: Mars trine Uranus- need to do something innovative, daring, unusual, impulsive, and exciting

5/3-5/14: Mars trine AC- bold and confident, need physical outlets for increased energies.

All of my Venus aspects are natal since my Venus return is in the last week of April. I also noticed that there are many Mars transits and out of all the transits I’ve had the Mars ones have hit me the hardest so let’s see how this plays out. Thanks for reading and as always, I’ll talk to you soon.

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